Genre: Feature Film
Jaar: 1949
Beschrijving: Fotis is in love with Bilio, a last-year student at a provincial high-school, and serenades her frequently. Bilio’s teacher, Platon Papadakis, is also in love with her, but besides serenading her, he also punishes her and during school breaks keeps her in the classroom. With the help of the headmistress, who is in love with Platon, the news of the love of the teacher for his student spreads throughout the small community. Platon now has to face Fotis, the headmistress and Bilio’s father – who is the president of the community – who makes sure the naughty teacher is transferred and a woman teacher is appointed in his place. Platon, nevertheless, manages to return to the school dressed up as the new teacher, in order to kidnap Bilio. The latter, however, refuses to follow him. Consequently, things are made clear, from all sides, and Bilio becomes engaged to Fotis, while Platon is forced to accept the love of the ugly Melpomeni.
1. OPENING TITLES Lumiere Production. The restoration of the film was funded under the Lumiere sheme, within the framework of the European Union Media Program. The film was restored in collaboration with STIFTUNG DEUTSCHE KINEMATHEK. Anzervos Film Enterprises S.A. presents BASE CONDUCT. Main cast: Elli Lampeti, Lampros Konstantaras and Dinos Iliopoulos. Supporting cast: Franc. Manellis, Lela Patrikiou, Spyros Patrikios, Dimos Starenios, Lala Iakovidi, Georgios Nezos and I. Kanelopoulos, Mary Laidou, Loukia Damaskou, N. Lepenioti, G. Afentaki, D. Aninos, N. Avatangelou Lampaki, F. Nikolaidou, L. Kanelopoulou, Kat. Zachou, Maria Louvrou, F. Frangkouli, Olga Kyriakidou, P. Rafeleto, D. Maniati. Script: Dim. Giannoukaki, Music: Niki Yakovlev, Production Manager: Michail Gaziadis, Direction: Mich. Gaziadis, Giannis Filippou, Cameraman: Mich. Gaziadis, Sound Engineer: G. Niagasas, Make-up: K. Spathopoulos, Set Manager: N. Nikolaidis, Title Modelling: K. Arvanitidis. Shooting and editing at AZERVOS S.A. studio.)
10. THE PREPARATIONS FOR THE RECEPTION OF THE NEW SCHOOL TEACHER AND THE MP AND THEIR ARRIVAL AT THE VILLAGE, WHICH ENDS UP WITH THE At the local council office, preparations are well under way in a fever of excitement. The streets are decked with flags, flowers and banners to welcome the MP. Some village mischievous urchins have targeted the banners with their catapult. The Kontoskaliou Band strikes up a march. Greeted by a cheering crowd, Mr Rousfetis takes the floor and pledges to turn Kontoskali into a small Paris, with hotels, a road network, hospital and two theatres! He is going to keep his promises like he did in the teacher's appointment. Disguised as a school teacher, Mr. Platon makes an entry in mincing steps, while the village urchins and the chemist are all set to take action against talkative Mr. Rousfetis. Sensing impending disaster, the MP makes hurried exit, while the widow "teacher" alleges sudden dizzyness and manages to get invited in the house of the village's head. (KONTOSKALI'S SQUARE)
11. ΤΗΕ REVELATION OF THE TRUE IDENTITY OF THE “TEACHER” TO MANOLIS AND THE ABDUCTION SCHEME. FIRST DAY IN SCHOOL. The “teacher is accompanied to her room and the caretaker rushes to assist her. There Platon reveals to the surprised caretaker his true identity, as well as Bilio’s abduction scheme. In case Manolis cooperates, Platon will grant him a vineyard from his dowry. The hospitable head of the village suggests his daughter to show the “teacher” around the sights of the aea. Next day the talk a walk to the stone-bench. In the school, the principle introduces the new teacher to the pupils. The pupils, who have been talked in for a razz, so as to intimidate the new teacher, have placed stick-tape on the chair and have written lines about love and its consequences on the blackboard. The principle wipes the text out and inscribes “BASE CONDUCT”. Meanwhile, a pupil has a little white mouse in her back that causes a panic attack to principle Melpomeni. The class is in yelling mirth. Next morning after church “they will attend a sea bath”. And as far as the “teacher” is concerned, principle Melpomeni suggests a “sun bath”. (CLASSROOM – BILIO'S HOUSE)
12. FOTIS AND BILIO'S CLANDESTINE MEETING AND PLATON'S UNSUCCESSFUL ATTEMPT TO KIDNAP BILIO Bilio returns home after school. She tells her father about the afternoon outing with the teacher and the evening meal, to which the principal is also invited. A small boy delivers a lobster sent by Fotis, who has stuck into the lobster a note for Bilio: "Meet me at 4, at the pine-tree. Fotis". The loving couple meet in country scenery. A gipsy woman tells Fotis his fortune. "You are in for a hard time!" Bilio must go to the meeting with the teacher. Fotis says that he will wait for her. Manolis the caretaker and a taxi driver are on standby in the car near the stone bench. The ride will be to Athens. Bilio with Platon disguised as a female teacher arrive at the stone bench. The teacher tells Bilio how much her brother loved her. "What would you do if he was stealing from you?" At that moment, Fotis shows up and they break up talking as the "teacher" trembles with fear. Because of Fotis's presence, the terrified caretaker tells the taxi driver that they will have to put off their plans. The latter gets into his car and drives off in growing discontent. (PANAGIOTIS' HOUSE, THE YARD – A GROVE - PANAGIOTIS' YARD – A GROVE)
13. PANAGIOTIS'S MARRIAGE PROPOSAL TO THE "TEACHER" - PLATON AND THE CARETAKER'S PLAN FOR A SECOND ATTEMPT TO KIDNAP BILIO The evening meal at the house of the village head. The principal walks out as the village head openly courts the "teacher". As soon as Bilio goes to sleep, the widower village head proposes to widow "teacher", who is feeling a bit tipsy and asks him for time to think it over. The "teacher" withdraws to her room. The "teacher" teases housemaid Tasso, who makes "her" bed, takes off the wig and goes to sleep. The drunk village head carries on drinking alone, singing away to himself. (BILIO'S HOUSE)
14. PLATON'S SECOND ATTEMPT TO KIDNAP BILIO MAKES HIS TRUE IDENTITY PUBLICLY KNOWN - FOTIS COMES TO BILIO'S RESCUE – PANAGIOTIS CONSENTS TO THE MARRIAGE OF BILIO AND FOTIS The following morning, the caretaker confesses to the "teacher" that he was overcome with fear at the sight of Fotis. The "teacher" goes over a new kidnap plan with him, this time by sea. Fotis, on a boat, takes the "teacher's" luggage secretly to a caique. He hands it over to the skipper and tells him to go get the passengers without delay. At the beach, the schoolgirls put on their swimming costumes and go into the sea. Bilio is one of them. They play in the water. Clumsy Manolis gets the "teacher" onto the boat. The principal calls out to Bilio to sail close to the shore. Fotis, on a rock, get his fishing net ready, while Bilio's father, watching him from the café, declares once again that he won't consent to Fotis' marriage with Bilio. As she sails out to sea, Bilio comes across the boat with the "teacher" and Manolis. Platon takes off his wig and reveals himself, telling her that he loves her and wants to abduct her. Trying to avoid him, Bilio capsizes the boat. All three of them fall into the sea. Alerted to the principal's call for help, Fotis plunges into the sea and saves Bilio. At the beach, Bilio's father shakes Fotis' hand in gratitude and demands that the terrified, half-drowned Platon marries the principal. The loving couple hugs for the first time in front of all the people in the village. (THE BEACH)
2. INTRODUCTION: FOTIS AND PLATON SERENADE BILIO The seaside village of Kontoskali. It's dusk. Three men serenade under the window of Bilio's (Elli Lampeti), daughter of the village head Panagiotis Fountoukas and schoolgirl at the village high school. Under the broken lamp, Fotis (Lampros Konstantaras) sings: "Your sweet eyes tear me apart …" Bilio steps outside in the garden. The musicians walk off. Fotis walks up to the fence. The young couple kisses. Singing out of tune a rather heart-rending and incoherent song, professor Platon Papadakis (Dinos Iliopoulos) arrives at Bilio's. Annoyed by his presence, Fotis walks up to him and punches him hard. (THE SEASIDE VILLAGE OF KONTOSKALI – BILIO'S HOUSE – A ROAD OUSIDE BILIO'S HOUSE - THE SEASIDE VILLAGE OF KONTOSKALI – BILIO'S HOUSE – A ROAD OUSIDE BILIO'S HOUSE)
3. PLATON TELLS BILIO OFF AND THE VILLAGE IS RIFE WITH RUMOURS OF HIS LOVE FOR HER, WHILE FISHERMEN COMMENT PROFUSELY ON FOTIS' LOVE FOR BILIO The following day, the teacher turns up at the high school with a bruised left eye. He tells the school caretaker (Frangkiskos Manellis) that he was set upon by five men. Spinster high school principal Melpomeni takes over Bilio's class for a history lesson. Bilio offers her jasmine and she presses them down her cleavage. She is talking about Alexander the Great and Bucephalus, when her chest begins itching. "An insects!" the principal exclaims and she faints. As she leaves the room, she tells Bilio to take over her students. Instead of teaching the class, the girl sings a song she has heard on the radio. The other schoolgirls sing along. At the seashore, fishermen spread out their nets and sing away to themselves. Fotis arrives on his fishing boat and responds wittingly to the fishermen's remarks about the daughter of the village head. While the schoolgirls get ready to go home at the end of the day, Plato, the teacher, tells Bilio that he will have her stay on for one more hour. The schoolgirls in the school yard make ironic remarks about the poor lovesick teacher, teasing Manolis the caretaker, too. At the entrance to the school, Fotis is told that, once again and without good reason, the teacher had Bilio stay on at school up to one in the afternoon. In the classroom, Platon has Bilio copy two pages of Modern Greek as punishment, at the same time brimming over with desire for the girl. (SCHOOL YARD – CLASSROOM – THE BEACH - SCHOOL YARD – CLASSROOM – THE BEACH)
4. MELPOMENI COURTS PLATON BUT WHEN SHE FINDS OUT HIS LOVE FOR BILIO, SHE GETS IRRITATED AND SPREADS THE NEWS ACROSS THE VILLAGE In her office, the principal makes repeated advances at the teacher who struggles to shake her off his back. Disturbed by his obsession with Bilio, she walks off to prepare the dinner that she had promised him. She lingers at the door to take a peep at Platon fooling around with his student. Fumming with rage, Fotis insists that the drunken caretaker lets him into the school, but he refuses. Feeling terribly upset, the principal confides in the village gossiper the teacher's awkward, indiscreet attempts to court Bilio. "Ethics have gone down the drain… Sodoma and Gomorah revisited!" (A CLASSROOM – THE SCHOOL YARD – THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE – THE VILLAGE)
5. THE NEWS OF PLATON' S SCANDALOUS LOVE SPREAD LIKE FIRE ACROSS THE VILLAGE, MAKE EVERYONE IN THE VILLAGE FURIOUS, INCLUDING FOTIS AND BILIO'S FATHER, WHO TURN PLATON OUT OF THE VILLAGE Panagiotis, Bilio's father and village head, already upset with the "teacher's" behaviour, punishing his daughter ever so often, becomes furious when he is tipped off by the principal, driven by sheer jealousy, of the latest developments. The village gossipers make a good job of spreading the news of Bilio and the "teacher". When the coffeehouse keeper hears the news, he gets the patrons all worked up into a fury against the "teacher" who makes advances at schoolgirls. Beside himself with anger, Fotis climbs into the classroom through the window to find Bilio labouriously copying away. After helping the girl out through the window, he chases Platon around the desks, catches up with him and beats him up. The villagers are closing in threateningly on the school and the unwanted "teacher". Bilio's father and village head readily joins in the angry mob, ignoring the principal's plea for compassion. Fotis asks the caretaker to help him carry the unconscious teacher to his office and try to bring him round. Fotis attempts to intimidate Platon into refraining from talking about Bilio and marring her reputation. He slips out of the room through the open window, just like he had climbed in, while the angry voices of the enraged crowd outside grow louder. The villagers gather menacingly at the school gate with the intention of breaking an entry. The caretaker steps outside the school waving a white flag. The village head undertakes to act as mediator and try to ease the tension. He goes into the building alone and announces to the "teacher" that he has to leave without delay. He makes the same announcement to the enraged fellow villagers (BILIO'S HOUSE – THE VILLAGE – THE CAFÉ – THE SCHOOL YARD – A CLASSROOM – OUTSIDE BILIO'S HOUSE – OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL)
6. THE PETITION FOR PLATON' REPLACEMENT BY A FEMALE TEACHER IS ACCEPTED BY THE MP IN ATHENS, BUT EXILED PLATON GETS WIND OF IT. Two solidly-built farmers and Panagiotis' housekeeper "load" Platon on a coach bound for Athens. Lycabettus. The stately buildings housing the Library, the University and the Academy (panoramic view). Panepistimiou Street and the House of Parliament. In his office, clothes- conscious Epameinondas Rousfetis MP reads the letter by Panagiotis Fountoukas, village head at Kontoskali. In his letter Panagiotis explains that the teacher appointed by the MP got the boot and was turned out of the village. It is the villagers' unanimous decision that the village should have a female teacher. The MP was fooling around his office with Maria, the maid, when his assistant Michalis brings another letter from Kontoskali. This one is from the rival village head, Tsirotos the chemist, who protests against the unfair expulsion of a "holy" man. The MP is under the obligation to reinstate the teacher in response to the will of the majority. After estimating the votes that each rival side would contribute to his election campaign, he concludes that he should side with the village head and send a female teacher to Kontoskali straightaway. On his way out of the MP's office block, Michalis comes across Platon, who is going to see Mr. Rousfetis. He explains that he is aware of the latest developments and the "teacher" confides in him his love for Bilio. Unfortunately, Platon cannot go back to the village – unless he was a female teacher. That starts lovesick Platon thinking and his face lights up. (ATHENS – LYCABETTUS – EXTERIOR OF THE ATHENS LIBRARY – INTERIOR OF THE ATHENS UNIVERSITY – AKADIMIAS STREET – PANEPISTIMIOU STREET – EXTERIOR OF THE HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT – MP'S OFFICE – A STREET OUTSIDE THE DIRECTOR'S OFFICE – A PARK – A VILLAGE – ATHENS)
7. BILIO AND FOTIS ON A ROMANTIC WALK CONFESS THEIR LOVE FOR EACH OTHER Fotis and Bilio on a romantic walk. Bilio explains that he has no reason to be jealous of the "teacher" and that her father is the only obstacle that stands in their way. They sit under the pine-trees and look out at the big rock rising steeply above the water in the lake (Vouliagmeni). The couple hug and sing happily away. (A GROVE BY THE LAKE IN VOULIAGMENI)
8. NEWS ABOUT THE REQUEST FOR A FEMALE TEACHER BEING GRANTED REACHES THE VILLAGE AS WELL AS PLATON, WHO HAS WORKED OUT A PLAN FOR BILIO'S ABDUCTION The village head plays backgammon with a fellow villager, when Babis the postman arrives with a telegram from Rousfetis MP: "We are making the necessary arrangements for appointing a female teacher as soon as possible". "Thank Goodness!" Former village head and currently chemist by profession Mr. Tsirotos (Dimos Starenios) receives another telegram from the MP: "We have come up with opposition from the Ministry. We press on with our planned course of action for the teacher's reinstatement. Keep this communication secret!" In Athens, Mr. Platon reads out to his astonished sister the document for her teaching appointment in Kontoskali. Evangelia Papadaki, widow to deceased Sourotiris, cannot believe that this is possible after so many years. Mr. Platon suggests that she should wait for a while. He has worked out a plan for Bilio's abduction. (THE VILLAGE CHEMIST - PANAGIOTIS' HOUSE, THE YARD – EVANGELIA'S HOUSE IN ATHENS - THE VILLAGE CHEMIST'S - PANAGIOTIS' HOUSE, THE YARD – EVANGELIA'S HOUSE IN ATHENS)
9. THE NEWS OF THE NEW FEMALE TEACHER'S ARRIVAL REACHES THE VILLAGE, WHILE AT A NEIGHBOURING TOWNSHIP, THE MP FLIRTS WITH PLATON DISGUISED AS THE FEMALE TEACHER At Kontoskali, the village head works at his cattle unit when he receives a telegram from the MP informing him that the MP will visit the village after the appointment of the new teacher, Ms. Evangelia Sourotiri, has been successfully concluded. Mrs. Melpomeni, the school principal, is also present and announces to the village head the new female teacher's forthcoming visit. At a neighbouring township, at the coach station, the MP is waiting for the coach for Kontoskali, meets out false hopes to his voters. His travelling companion is Mrs Evangelia Sourotiri, who is no other than Mr. Platon disguised as a woman. At his chemist, chemist and member of the opposition Tsirotos opposes the village head's every choice and action. With undisguised malice, he accepts his invitation to attempt at the MP's official reception.)
Provider: Tainiothiki tis Ellados
Rechten: In Copyright
Productiemaatschappij: ANZERVOS
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Collectie: Ψηφιοποιημένες ελληνικές ταινίες μυθοπλασίας